The late Mr. Herbert Lee Newsome, Jr. and Mrs. Antoinette Newsome were both raised in very large families. Mr. Newsome was the oldest of eight and Mrs. Newsome is one of eleven. Throughout their adolescent years, Mr. and Mrs. Newsome acquired a multitude of familial responsibilities and battled environmental factors that impacted their educational pursuits. Mr. Newsome did not receive education beyond the sixth grade, and Mrs. Newsome did not complete high school. Despite their educational status, the Newsomes always emphasized the value and importance of education in their household. Mr. and Mrs. Newsome set high expectations and provided support to assist their children in achieving educational success. Before passing in 2010, Mr. Newsome was sure to instill a strong work ethic in each of his children; of twelve children: eight earned a bachelor's degree, three earned a master's degree, and others remain steadfast in their pursuit of higher learning. Serving as a true source of inspiration, and an exemplar of hard work and dedication, Mrs. Newsome is currently in the process of earning a General Education Diploma. Once obtained, education is one thing that cannot be taken away. The Herbert and Antoinette Newsome First Generation Scholarship will provide support for first-generation college students seeking to cultivate sustainable change in our society.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Record of community volunteerism (not school related)
- High school graduate (2021)
- First generation college student
- Minimum 3.3 GPA